Each character's sort of gotten their turn and then we get to sort of find how that interacts." Sbarge said he felt Once Upon a Time felt very different on the TV landscape and remarked, "Fresh and innovative and daring is dangerous in television, but these guys are really smart, as we know from Lost. There's one about Rumpelstiltskin, there's one about Prince Charming. And it gives us a different kind of storytelling. As to how she felt about that, she laughed, remarking, "Initially it was 'Oh, I'm actually fine with it.' I kind of like being the audience's proxy in that I get to have a genuine reaction to how ridiculous this all seems but then there is, as time goes on and I see these gorgeous images of everyone in the forest in their gowns and I'm like 'Well, maybe I'm a little bit jealous.'" Raphael Sbarge plays Jiminy Cricket/Archie, revealing the fifth episode tells the story of, "How Jiminy Cricket came to be Jiminy Cricket. She will destroy everyone's happiness, and you'll learn why very soon." She grinned, noting that while there is a vulnerability to Regina where Henry is concerned, we shouldn't forget, "she's a royal bitch." Because of the nature of the story, Morrison is one of the only cast members who doesn't appear in the fairy tale sequences.

She really doesn't want anyone to be happy – Snow, Charming, anyone. " Parrilla noted, "You'll learn a lot about the Evil Queen and her history and why she's so evil – why she has so much anger and hatred.

I think that's going to really help the audience relate to Regina in some level. That's a fear that I think any adopted mother would have. There's the threat of her knowing she's an evil queen and then there's just the pure simple fact that the biological mother has stepped into her world and the threat of losing her son is just enormous. There's always two stories being told when playing Regina. Said Parrilla, "Emma Swan coming into Storybrook is a huge, huge, huge threat. Once Upon a Time Creators Answer Fans The main villain of the story is of course the Evil Queen, known as Regina, Storybrooke's mayor, in our world. We're really trying to go to a lot of different places and tie the stories back to our main characters." And in one of the next episodes coming up, we have an episode that involves Hansel and Gretel. Look for plenty of additional fairy tale characters to show up, with executive producer Steve Pearlman noting, "In episode four, we introduce the character of Cinderella and we do a modern take on her. He has an epic, epic love for Snow White. He's a prince, but he's a prince of the people. He's still a man with the same emotions as any other man. Prince Charming just happens to be a name. So when you have that familiarity already, then we're providing the opportunity to tell backstories and fill things in and fill in the blanks that you never would've guessed or never would've thought of, and see how it all mixes together." As Dallas put it, "I think that's what's so great about Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, about what they've written, is they've taken all these iconic characters that we all know, but they've made them somehow realer. Morrison, like the rest of the cast, was excited about the opportunity this gave them, noting, "You immediately have a familiarity of some sense of who Snow White is and some sense of who Prince Charming is and some sense of who Little Red Riding Hood is because it's so engrained into our culture to have a point of reference for these characters. Like Lost, flashbacks figure heavily into Once Upon a Time, as we move between the present in Storybrooke, and the past in the fairy tale world.